Saturday, March 26, 2016

Voogd's Goal Is to Help You Earn a Six- Figure Income: 6 Months to 6 Figures by Peter Voogd, Book Summary and Review

If you aren’t already making a six-figure income, would you like a general format to achieve this as your number one goal this year?  In 6 Months to 6 Figures, by Peter Voogd, Game Changers Press, 2014, Voogd presents a general blueprint to follow to earn more money and improve life during the process. But anyone who wants to succeed will likely need to increase output and acquire new skills.      

Increase Your Value in the Marketplace

In Chapter one, Voogd borrows from Jim Rohn, and quotes Rohn’s famous sayings, “You get paid for bringing value to the marketplace, and if you aren’t very valuable, you don’t make much money.” Also, “Don’t bring your needs to the marketplace, bring your skills.” So, the first step is to decide to increase your value to the marketplace. Voogd suggests if you want to earn more money,  follow Jim Rohn’s advice to “work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” Time is the most valuable asset anyone has, so never waste it.  

Here are a few ways Voogd suggests you can become more valuable to the marketplace: (1) Study your industry and your competitors, (2) Focus on your productivity, (3) Become more efficient, (4) Find a way to multiply yourself by getting things done without increasing your own manual labor, (5) Become more influential to get others to get things done for you, (6) Attain celebrity status to become known by your target audience, (7) Pay attention to your reputation, (8) Develop your vision to see things that others don’t see, (9) Develop a good personality that allows you to connect with others, (10) Develop a positive attitude toward yourself and others, (11) Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and (12) Get into mastermind groups that allow you to learn from others. 

Implement the right knowledge habits 

In chapter two, Voogd reminds us to build wealth, you must first have knowledge. How fast you are able to build wealth may depend on how fast you are able to implement the right information into your daily habits. Voogd also suggests that some people actually have too much knowledge but because they are not intentional in how they use it, it paralyzes them instead of helping them.

Focus on earning money 

In chapter three, Voogd discusses money. Voogd suggests that if you are dissatisfied with the amount of money you are earning, the first thing you must do is stop doing what you are doing and do something different. Make certain to prioritize those activities that earn income. Also, pay more attention to how you are using your time. Stop making excuses and take responsibility for your situation.  Instead of whining, take actions that will help you earn more money, like charging more for your service, switching jobs, and gaining more valuable skills. Also, it is not the money that solves problems but the intelligence that allows the person to earn the money that solves problems. 

Chapter four introduces 6 C’s to implement to earn six figures: clarity, confidence, your circle of influence, consistent energy and motivation, creating intentional result rituals, and continually focusing on growth and learning. Chapters five through twelve delve into these 6 C‘s.  

Chapter five encourages a reader to find out what makes her unique and to use that to differentiate herself from others. 

Chapter six focuses on gaining clarity and reminding readers that reasons come first, and results come second. 

Chapter Seven shows ways to boost your confidence, especially by doing what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it.  

Chapter eight suggests that you get around other achievers. 

Chapter nine offers some suggestions to boost your energy and motivation. 

Chapter ten offers some tips from peak performers, such as do not do unimportant things well and Pareto’s Principle, known as the 80/20 rule, that most outcomes stem from 20 percent of our efforts. 

Chapter 11 offers some suggestions on how a reader can craft result rituals to lead to success, including mindset rituals, health rituals, and productivity rituals. 

Chapter 12 shows readers how to continuously grow and learn.

The book concludes by reminding readers that today matters.  Now is the time to begin elevating your game to a higher level by taking a 30-day challenge to achieve a few goals, including earning $100,00 within the next 6 months. 

Rating: $$$$$ out of five.   I like this book because if a person follows the steps, it is likely life will improve even if a 6-figure income is not earned within 6 months.  But  I recently read about a woman who has a flower business in Georgia who used this book as her blueprint to earn $ 100,000 within six months.  She met her goal. If you have the right business and the right strategy, it can be done.  She used a lot of free social media marketing strategies.  Good luck.   

Voogd also offers online seminars that more fully explain each of these concepts at his online Game Changers Academy. You can also receive great value by watching his YouTube videos.     
Copyright @ 2016  Christine Esser 

Comments are welcome. Please let us know if you aren't making six figures now if any tips from this book propel you to earn a six-figure income.  #earnmoremoney #6figureincome

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