Thursday, March 24, 2016

How to Become Successful in Life - The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy - Quick Book Summary and Review

Small habits compounded over time will either lead you toward success or away from it. You choose daily by your actions.   

In The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, Vanguard Press, 2010, Hardy shows us how choices, especially the small ones that become everyday habits, create our destiny. Hardy, the former Publisher and Founding Editor of the newly released Success magazine, wrote this book to explain what it takes to achieve success in any area of life. Hardy explores the half-dozen fundamentals that consistently lead to success. 

The compound effect in action 

In Chapter one, Hardy provides an example of the compound effect in action through showing us three friends [Scott, Larry, and Brad] and different small changes they make or don’t make to their diet and life after they have put on some weight. Scott cuts back on junk food and sodas. Larry does nothing different. Brad starts watching a cooking show and consistently enjoys sampling his creations. Over the next 31 months, Scott loses 33.5 pounds, Larry remains the same, and Brad gains 33.5 pounds. Additionally, Hardy explains how bad habits can have unintended ripple effects that impact other areas of our lives. 


In Chapter two, Hardy explains that first, we make our choices, and then our choices make us. Hardy also provides the formula for getting lucky which is preparation,  attitude, opportunity, and action all combined often create luck.  In any area of life where you seek improvement, if you track the actions you take to move toward your goal, you will have a greater likelihood of getting there, especially if you keep track of your habits in that area for at least 21 days. After you begin tracking, you can monitor if you are moving toward your goal or away from it. 


In Chapter three, Hardy focuses on how our habits can make or break us. Good habits in a daily routine separate the most successful from the rest. With practice and repetition,  we can replace bad habits with better habits. Motivation to create good habits is found in our desires - if we want it bad enough we will develop the habits that lead to success. Because we only see and experience what we look for, it is important to set clearly defined goals. A person’s life can be boiled down to the equation: person > makes a choice > takes action.> creates habit over time = goals (result). Five strategies for eliminating bad habits and six techniques for installing good habits are revealed. 


Chapter four focuses on momentum. Once a newly formed habit becomes routine, momentum kicks in and speeds up the progress. This can go well or not, depending on whether the habits are good habits or bad habits.  Creating routines that incorporate the habits we want to install in our lives can help us gain momentum. By controlling how our day begins and how our day ends by establishing daily routines during those time periods we can monitor our progress and chart whether we are moving toward our goals. 


Chapter five focuses on influences. We need to monitor what we expose our minds to if we don’t want to be led off track. Many achievers use their vehicles as a traveling university by listening to CD’s that teach about areas of interest. Many find it helpful to invest in mentors. Also, exposing yourself to a better environment can help to raise your game. 


Chapter six focuses on acceleration. In moments where you want to give up, you must keep going if you want to reach your goals. Do the unexpected by putting forth extra effort to reach your goals faster. 

Hardy concludes by reminding us that the key is to learn the steps so that you can execute them to achieve your goals. Also, whatever we want in life, we can achieve it faster by providing that same thing to someone else. If you want success, help someone else be successful. 

Rating: $$$$$ out of 5. This is an excellent book. By making these small daily choices that lead toward successful outcomes, readers can enrich their lives, as well as the lives of others.  

Copyright @ 2016 Christine Esser 

You can find out for yourself if this works by buying Hardy's book and learning the complete strategy. This book can be purchased on Amazon by clicking the link below. The first link is for the book, the second link is for the audio CD.  The third link is for a complete summary prepared by Money Book Millionaire, not Darren Hardy. (We are associated with Money Book Millionaire.) 

I paid for my copy of this book the same as you will should you decide to purchase it.  I have received nothing from the author or publisher of Hardy's book for this review. 

Disclosure: We may receive a small commission from your purchase, but this will not raise the amount you pay. Thank you for reading this review. Comments are welcome.

If you want more information from Darren Hardy and are interested in free daily coaching, you can sign up at his website. 

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