Friday, March 18, 2016

How Successful People Think, by John C. Maxwell, - Quick Review and Book Summary

Do you act first, think later or think first and act later? 

No matter what action you take or fail to take, a thought or lack of thought precedes it.  

What if you could train yourself to think in different ways and reach better decisions that would improve your life?   This book proposes to teach you to do exactly that. 

In How Successful People Think: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, by John C. Maxwell, published by Hachette Book Group, 2009, author John Maxwell discusses 11 strategies people can use to think more clearly.  Maxwell explains, “A person who knows how will always have a job, but the person who knows why will always be the boss.” 

Here are 11 strategies for clearer thinking: 

(1) See the wisdom of big picture thinking; 

(2) Unleash the potential of focused thinking; 

(3) Discover the joy of creative thinking; 

(4) Realize the importance of realistic thinking; 

(5) Release the power of strategic thinking; 

(6) Feel the energy of possibility thinking; 

 (7) Embrace the lessons of reflective thinking; 

 (8) Question the acceptance of popular thinking; 

 (9) Encourage the participation of shared thinking; 

 (10) Experience the satisfaction of unselfish thinking; 

(11) Enjoy the return of bottom-line thinking.  

Maxwell delves into each of these categories and explains actions each of us can take to learn how to become a better thinker and, in the process, improve our lives.  All achievement is obtained through action, but all actions must be preceded by thought. Thus, by improving your ability to think, you can improve your actions and thereby improve your life. 

Maxwell believes that if a person masters each of these critical ways of thinking, including the process of shared thinking to compensate for your weaknesses, your life will change.  I think Maxwell is right and I highly recommend this book   

Rating: $$$$$ out of five. 

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Copyyright @ 2016 Christine  Esser

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