Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What Do Successful People Do Differently From Failures? 9 Things Successful People Do Differently Free Book Summary

What makes one person in an industry a success and another a failure?  If you want to know what successful people do differently, these strategies found in 9 Things Successful People Do Differently may provide you with an answer. 

In 9 Things Successful People Do Differently, 2012, Harvard Business School Publishing, Heidi Grant Halverson studied successful people and concluded that they were successful based upon specific strategies they used to accomplish goals, not who they were.  Halverson identifies nine strategies successful people use to increase their odds of winning. 

(1) Set specific goals;

(2) Use if-then planning to insert goals into a schedule.  For example, if it is 9 a.m. on Tuesday, then make 10 sales calls;

(3) Use metrics to chart progress and identify where they are in relation to achieving a goal;

(4) They are optimistically realistic in setting goals, identifying the time, effort, planning and persistence needed;  

(5) They focus on getting better, not getting good.  By focusing on getting better, mistakes and setbacks are less likely to derail them;

(6) They persist in achieving goals when faced with difficulties - they have grit;.

(7) They build their self-control muscle so that their willpower grows stronger.  Willpower diminishes with use throughout a day. Rest before tackling a new project that requires a lot of willpower.

(8) Don’t tempt fate by taking on too much at once or being where temptations are likely to derail them from achieving a goal.

(9) Direct attention to replacing nonproductive habits with productive habits to achieve goals.

Rating: $$$$$ out of five.  This handy reference guide can help anyone set and achieve a business goal.

This book was purchased, not a gift.   

This book can be purchased on Amazon by clicking the first link below. Disclosure: We may receive a small commission from your purchase, but this will not raise the amount you pay. Thank you for reading this review. Comments are welcome.  We have not received anything from the author or publisher in exchange for this review. 


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