Saturday, June 25, 2016

4 principles of action: Action: by Robert Ringer Quick Book Summary and Review

This is a book you can read over and over again and glean new ideas with each subsequent reading. My favorite insight was Robert Ringer's observation that those who are being proactive and feel in control of their lives tend to experience more happiness than those who are reacting to events and agendas created by others.  

In Action: Nothing Happens Until Something Moves, by Robert Ringer, published by M. Evans (2004), Ringer reminds us that while ideas are the starting point, nothing happens without taking action.  Contrary to what many say, motivation is not needed. If a person acts, the motivation will often follow. If a person takes consistent action that is in alignment with universal principles, that person is likely to experience success and happiness. 

Here are four of the many insights that Ringer shares:  

(1) Nothing happens until something moves; 

(2) God helps those who help themselves;

(3) The law of averages; and
(4) Action produces genius, magic, and power. 

I had heard this book was a classic before reading it, now I understand why.  Ringer’s thoughts on action and inaction are often profound.  This is much more than a business book. It can serve as a foundation for a philosophy of life.  

Rating: $$$$ out of 5.   This book will pay for itself many times if the action principles it lays out are followed.  

Copyright @ 2016 Christine Esser
Disclosure:  You can purchase the book on Amazon by clicking on the link below. We may receive a small commission from your purchase  that will not increase your purchase price. I purchased this book with my own money and did not receive anything in exchange for this review by the book's author or publisher.  Comments are welcome.  Thank you.  

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