Wednesday, April 6, 2016

10 Ways Millionaires Think Differently - The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class, Quick Book Summary

If you learn how to think like a millionaire and then take action on those thoughts, will that make you a millionaire?  

In The Top Ten Distinctions Between Millionaires and the Middle Class, by Keith Cameron Smith, Ballentine Books, 2007, Smith discusses ten distinctions in how middle-class thinking differs from how wealthy people think. 

Here is a quick overview of the ten distinctions:

(1) Millionaires think long-term; whereas, the middle class thinks short term.

(2) Millionaires discuss ideas; whereas, the middle class talks about things and people.

(3) Millionaires embrace change; whereas, the middle class feels threatened by change.

(4) Millionaires take calculated risks; whereas, the middle class avoids risks.

(5) Millionaires continually learn; whereas, the middle class stops learning with school.

(6) Millionaires work for profits; whereas, the middle class works for wages.

(7) Millionaires believe they must be generous; whereas, the middle class believes that they can’t afford to be generous.

(8) Millionaires have multiple sources of income; whereas, the middle class has only one or two sources of income.

(9) Millionaires focus on increasing net worth; whereas, the middle class focuses on increasing  paychecks.

(10) Millionaires ask empowering questions; whereas, the middle class asks questions that diminish power.

This is a fun, short book that can change how a person thinks about financial matters.

Rating: $$$$ out of five.  It contains good, general ideas, but it takes knowing how to execute these ideas to turn them into money.

 Copyright @ 2016 

You can find out for yourself whether this book can help you think millionaire thoughts by buying the book. This book can be purchased on Amazon by clicking the link below.  I paid for my copy of this book the same as you will should you decide to purchase it.  I have received nothing from the author or publisher for this review. 

Disclosure: We may receive a small commission from your purchase, but this will not raise the amount you pay. Thank you for reading this review. Comments are welcome.

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