Friday, September 29, 2017

Will you become a badass at making money after reading Jen Sincero's book?

If you aren’t making the kind of money you want to make and are new to the self-help genre, Jen Sincero’s You Are a Badass at Making Money: Master the Mindset of Wealth might give you the motivation you need to move your life forward.  In this book, Jen Sincero tells her story of how she went from financial struggle to financial prosperity within a relatively short time.

When Jen Sincero initially considered getting rich, she had some hang-ups about money and wealthy people. Her beliefs interfered with her ability to generate more money.  Thus, she decided to challenge these false beliefs. Sincero believes that others may need to challenge their false beliefs, too, before they will give themselves permission to take the actions necessary to get rich.

Pay attention to your thoughts and the language you use about money. Don’t make statements that limit your ability to earn more, like “I’ll never be rich” or similar types of statements.   Instead, use your language to build yourself up and look out for opportunities that will help you earn more money.
Money is both energy and a unit of exchange.  We receive money for the value we provide to others.  Because what we focus on increases, focus on financial abundance to increase your financial flow.  Focus on your appreciation of money, your plan to get rich, and give as much as you can to prime the pump to be able to receive.

Use affirmations and visualization to create the feeling of abundance even if you are currently experiencing a lack. On a similar note, spruce up your environment to feel better about yourself. This could mean upgrading your wardrobe, cleaning up the clutter in your space, or even moving to a spot near the beach like Sincero did. This move helped to spark her creativity to create more wealth.

Both gratitude and faith are important to cultivate on the journey to becoming wealthy.

These are the action steps to follow to grow your wealth, according to Jen Sincero:

(1) Decide how much money you will make, what you will use the money for, and think about how wonderful you will feel when you get it.

(2) Make a commitment to get the money.

(3) Make a plan on how you will get the money and break that plan down into smaller activities.

(4) Meditate on the life you will create with the money you make and feel deep gratitude and faith that it is on its way.

(5) Whatever you do to earn money, be your best. Give it your best effort.

(6) When the universe offers a solution to your goal of making more money, grab on and take it.

When Jen Sincero became serious about getting wealthy, she created a website,, to help authors write book proposals to become published authors. Jen Sincero already had two published books at that time and she was a successful writer.

In order to do this, Sincero used a coach. The first coach charged her $7.000 but that coach helped her to build her website and so she was able to pay off her credit card bills soon afterward. But even with the website, Sincero was still not earning enough money to make her feel wealthy.

The second coach Jen Sincero used charged her $85,000 for personal coaching. Jen Sincero was able to become a nationally known name after following the advice of her second coach. Sincero obtained the money by borrowing it from a wealthy woman. Sincero recognizes that everyone will not have a wealthy person to tap for money to borrow to receive expensive personal coaching but coaches helped her in creating a better life for herself so she shares what worked for her in her book.

Keep going until you become wealthy.

If you have been reading self-help books for awhile, you are already familiar with most of this since it has been covered in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, T Harv Eckert’s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, and Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich.

But if you are new to this genre, Jen Sincero’s book might give you the motivation you need to get started on your journey to creating wealth. Also, she delivers her story with plenty of amusing anecdotes and some cuss words to keep you entertained along the way.

Rating. $$$$ out of 5  This was a fun read, and it is motivational but other than Sincero's personal journey, there is nothing new here. There are no great new insights on how to become wealthy unless you can afford an expensive coach. But I suggest you always try out the less expensive options like joining a mastermind group or finding a mentor at SCORE first before investing in expensive coaching.

Best wishes.

Copyright 2017, Christine Esser

This book was purchased, not a gift.   

This book can be purchased on Amazon by clicking the first link below. Disclosure: We may receive a small commission from your purchase, but this will not raise the amount you pay. Thank you for reading this review. Comments are welcome.  We have not received anything from the author or publisher in exchange for this review. Money Book Millionaire's summary

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