Monday, November 21, 2016

The Magic of Believing by Claude M. Bristol: Best Book Summary and Review

We get what we anticipate.  Essentially, the gist of the book is that if you ever hope to achieve successful results in any endeavor, you need to first believe that you can do it.  

 In The Magic of Believing, 1944, 2011 edition, Thinking Ink Media, Claude M. Bristol, explains why we often get what we anticipate. Even today, it is people’s self-limiting beliefs that often hold them back from achievement. Thus, this book is as applicable today as it was when it was published in 1944. 

I.  How Bristol Tapped Into the Power of Belief 

Bristol began as a newspaperman before he became a businessman. Bristol wrote this book in his 50's after he observed that it was “the magic of believing” that determined whether a person achieved the result he or she sought or not. 

2.  Mind-Stuff Experiments 

Everything that has ever been created began as a thought. Many years ago, Buddha said, “All that we are is a result of all that we have thought.” Thought is the original source of all wealth, success, material gain, and all achievement. We become what we envisage. Before Thomas Edison died, he said, “Ideas come from space.” By using the dynamic force of believing, you set the forces in motion that help you to achieve your goal. 

3. What the Subconscious Really Is. 

Gustav Gelly, who was an author and French psychologist,  wrote the best results in life are achieved by close harmony and cooperation between the conscious and unconscious minds. The part of the mind that is called the subconscious works while you sleep, relax, or are engaged in an unrelated task. Some people are able to train their unconscious mind by asking it to answer a problem before they fall asleep and then wake up in the morning with a solution to the problem.  The conscious mind is above the line of consciousness, the subconscious is below the line of consciousness. 
Most times we use our conscious minds to solve problems. We use deductive and inductive reasoning, analysis, synthesis, and other modes of comparison. 

The subconscious mind is the source of power. It is rooted in instinct. The subconscious embodies the feeling and wisdom of the past, the awareness and knowledge of the present, and the thought and vision of the future.  The subconscious has many powers: intuition, emotion, certitude, inspiration, suggestion, deduction, imagination, organization, memory, and dynamic energy.  In order to use the resources of the subconscious, you must ask for something that is rightfully yours and within your capabilities. 

4.  Suggestion Is Power 

The act of believing is the starting point to generating the power to reach accomplishment. There will never be another business depression if people generally believe that their own fearful thoughts create hard times. As individuals think and believe, so they are.  The subconscious can be guided by suggestions it receives from the conscious.  

5.  The Art of Mental Pictures 

Many people in positions of power assume an air of importance that causes some people to hold them in awe. Rather than look at these people as they appear to be, picture them as mere human beings with frailties, fears, and faults, like everyone else.  

An interesting aside is that some people have been able to picture an open parking space in their minds, and then they were able to actually find an open parking space at their destination. 

Desire is the starting point of all human activities.  The more urgent the desire, the sooner the consummation.   

6.  The Mirror Technique

Thought can attract money. Get a picture of what you want and keep telling yourself you are going to get it. The more you can save, the faster you can build your fortune.  After you have saved, invest your money in securities with proven worth, real estate, or your own business.  
If you don’t follow your own thoughts, you will follow the thoughts of someone else who is following his or her thoughts. 

Stand in front of a mirror, pull in your stomach, stand erect, breathe deeply three or four times, look deeply into your eyes, and tell yourself that you are going to get the thing that you want. Make a ritual of this, standing in front of the mirror and telling yourself that you are getting the thing you want at least twice a day. Hold the picture of what you want in your mind and begin to develop it with action until you get it. 

7.   How to Project Your Thoughts 

Success is a never-ceasing application. Most people never start anything. When a person stops being active, the person is on the way to the grave. 

The only way to have a friend is to be one. You can’t cast your bread on the water without it being returned to you. You can’t do a good deed without having a good deed done for you.  

 Always try to do something for other people. Sincere compliments will always help you to make friends. Dress well and you will feel better about yourself. There is a force at work in the mind that can influence others, even at a distance. 

8.  Women, And the Science of Belief

This book was written in 1944. Women were just beginning to break into many fields.  Madame Curie was a scientist who discovered radium. Helen Keller who was blind and deaf, became a great author and speaker. The Bronte sisters became talented authors. 

9.  Belief Makes Things Happen. 

In 1944, a rare female moth was placed in a room and a male of her species was released four miles away.  The male found the female moth within several hours. 

Distress ensues only when developed by conscious mental attitudes.  Disappointment, suppression, melancholy, depression, etc., are emotional excitements or suggestions from a mode of thinking. If you resisted these emotional tendencies, and assert willpower to prevent these influences from reaching your mental consciousness, the foundation of the thought disappears. Assert yourself to be the creator and boss of your own habit of thought. No one has ever defeated a resolute will. 

Emerson asked, “What is the hardest task in the world?  To think.” 

Most of us are victims of mass thinking and feed off of the suggestions of others.  No one has a monopoly on thought power.  Know yourself. Know your power. 
Just believe.  Believing will give you the power to succeed in everything you undertake. Back your belief with resolute will and you will become unconquerable, a master among men, and master of yourself. 

Rating: $$$$$ I love that our belief in ourselves gives us the power to create success.                                                                        
Copyright @ 2016 Christine Esser

This book was purchased, not a gift.