In How to Write Copy that Sells, The Step-By-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often, 2016, by Morgan James Publishing, Ray Edwards has written an easy to read and follow guide filled with copywriting tips. These are designed to help you write ad copy that creates cash flow for your business.
Edwards is one of the highest paid copywriters in business today. He has written sales copy for Tony Robbins and Robert Allen, among others. In 12 chapters, Edwards covers the basics of what you need to know to write headlines that grab attention, how to write email messages that convert to dollars, how to use bullet points, how to write irresistible offers, and how to close the sale using guarantees. It is all in here.
Here are a few copywriting tips from the book:
How to Find Your Message
For example, anyone who has been charged with a DUI, can obtain the best outcome for the case by hiring Ann Attorney because Ann Attorney carefully reviews all the facts of the case, has handled hundreds of similar DUI cases in the court where you are charged, and she knows how to get the charges dismissed or reduced in appropriate cases.
Headlines Must Grab Attention
Here are five types of headlines that grab attention:
(1) How to. [For example, How to write copy that sells.] .
(2) Transactional headlines that make a promise, such as, "Follow this diet for three days and lose 5 pounds."
(3) The reason why, such as, "5 Reasons Why You Should Hire Ann Attorney to Handle Your DUI Case."
(4) The Probing Question [Do You Want to Know if Your DUI Can Be Dismissed or Reduced to a Lower Charge?
(5) If then [If You Hire Ann Attorney, You Can Rest Assured That Your Case Is Being Handled Properly.]
Bullet Points Can Guide Readers' Eyes Down the Page
Edwards shares techniques he uses with bullet points to help you move your target readers' eyes down the page. Usually, you will want to limit the bullet points to ten at a time. For example, if you have 50 bullet points, use a paragraph or two of text, present ten bullet points, and then list ten more and continue like this until you have covered your list.
Rating: $$$$$ out of five. This book contains a lot of information anyone can use to improve sales copy and increase revenue. You can find this book on Amazon by clicking on the link below.
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